Finally Got A New Area Rug

I have luckily been capable of receiving this gorgeous area rug from my grandmother for a surprise house warming gift. My living room has always looked a bit simple because I have been unable to decide what I want to do with it or how I want to decorate it. I couldn’t be more thankful to finally have a unique piece that gives me the push I needed to begin decorating our new home. With the stress and anxiety moving brings about, having something so vibrant has helped put my mind at ease.

Upon entry, my sweet fur baby decided to mark his territory on the new area rug. I was devastated because I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it. I heard of many different tips and tricks to clean area rugs but I am not particularly trusting of my rug cleaning abilities. I refuse to use any chemicals or toxins within my household. With my fur babies and baby girl, I don’t think chemicals or toxins are safe for them to be around them. Call me an over protective mother but there are too many things that can go wrong these days.

After my husband and I spent a couple of hours looking to find a company that could clean my new area rug with no chemicals, I finally found one! I had to share this experience because it was like magic. Chem-Dry is a Peoria carpet cleaning company that happily helped me get my new area rug back to perfect condition. I was about to give up hope since almost none of the carpet cleaning companies I contacted used green certified products except this one.

I always sound over bearing when I make doctor appointment, vet appointment and more. Maybe I worry a bit too much, they still managed to speak with me in a professional and kind manner even though I had a million questions. My area rug has no scent of dog urine and looks fantastic! I could not be more thankful. In about 2 hours after they had finished my rug was dry and fluffy!

With everything that has been going on recently, this stress was the last thing I wanted to deal with. I would have been heartbroken if I had to throw this gorgeous stone area rug away. At least now I know of a place that I can contact that will help me take care of my home. Now I need to finish potty training my puppy so this doesn’t occur again! I strongly recommend this company if you are in the area and need carpet cleaning done. My home is finally coming along thanks to this amazing gift my grandmother has given me.

I am hoping that soon the home will be put together and I can begin to settle down within the home with my perfect little family. ❤

Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Recently I have been confronted with some news that will ultimately alter my entire life. Unsure of what way to go with it is beginning to wear down my psyche. How are you supposed to know when a decision is right or wrong? With both options having their own benefits and consequences, I can only question which way I should go.

This post is vague, of course. The news isn’t something I am quite ready to share at this point though. I am stuck in a situation that is ultimately going to cause stress, heartache and instability no matter the direction I go…

These conflicting thoughts are ultimately killing me inside and my heart is breaking knowing that there is no way of knowing if I am making the correct choice. I am terrified that my psyche is about to shatter completely. Sometimes things that are unplanned have a way of altering your life entirely…

February 13, 2018

After many years with my soul mate, Valentines day becomes more and more special each year. This year we have decided to take a day to ourselves and leave reality behind for a while. With a special vegan dinner planned at one of our favorite spots, we will then follow it with a walk down memory lane. To the park in which we first met followed by a trip to the hiking trail in which we shared our first kiss. This valentines day I want to ensure my love knows how appreciated and loved he is. Such a beautiful thing love is. I am so lucky to have this incredible human by my side through this journey in life.

February 14, 2015

Oh, Happy Valentine’s Day! Almost exactly two years later, I’ve decided to give this whole thing another try. This is my first Valentine’s Day as a mother. It’s true, what they say about the unconditional love you feel for your child. So, this year is a celebration of my love for the two most important people in my life.